Last week Friday, November 13th was my late husband Kelly Roberti’s birthday. He would have been 66. We met summer of 2010, got married in 2012, then he passed away in March 2016 from lung cancer. Many of our friends and music fans, real and online, helped us. He’s been missed by many.
Also Friday, November 20th 7 years ago, my current husband Bob’s late wife Sandra, passed away. He recorded a tribute album to her “Songs for Sandra”. She was a legend around Kansas City and wish I had a chance to meet her. I added couple of links to videos of music from “Songs for Sandra” and when Kelly played with Fathead Newman, Bob Nell, and Brad Edwards recorded at the Tuba, Kansas City, MO.
By the way, Bob met Kel in 1988 in Kansas City and became friends. Life is a web.
* To musician friends, if you would like to add your message, on going projects like new albums, etc. on please contact me!
* Details of these concerts can be changed due to artists/venues’ circumstances.
The music events listed here could be cancelled/postponed due to the COVID restrictions.

On this Tuesday, November 17th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Jake Fleming on saxophone/guitar and Michael Steele on bass will be making fantastic sounds! It is getting a bit cold but please come down and enjoy their music with delicious drink and food that will warm you up!
If you plan to attend it would be helpful to contact the venue so they can arrange the limited seating.
Devil’s Toboggan
113 East Oak, Suite 2B (Cannery District)
(406) 587-4829
Tuesday, November 17th 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Facebook event page

Every Wednesday Night, Levity features Live Jazz starting at 7:00 p.m. It’s a Jam Session with Local Jazz Musicians. There are always familiar faces, but it’s open to anyone that can play. All you need is raw talent and your instrument!
Levity Bar and Bistro
1027 Shiloh Crossing Blvd Suite 8, Billings, MT 59102
Wednesday, November 18th 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
(406) 651-5985
Facebook event page
As I wrote earlier, November 13th was my late husband and bassist Kelly Roberti‘s birthday. I started my jazz newsletter to dedicate to Kel.
Here is “Holy Land by Ceder Walton – David “Fathead” Newman w/ Nell, Roberti and Edwards Trio” recorded at the Tuba in Kansas City, MO on YouTube.
This is dedicated to my current husband Bob Bowman’s late wife, beautiful Sandra. From “Songs for Sandra” – “Beautiful Love” by Bob Bowman on bass, Roger Wilder on piano, and Todd Strait on drums on YouTube. If you would like to check the whole album, please visit Bob’s website. and news letter Jazz this week are non-profit. I am doing this to be a little help for jazz community around Bozeman while I work as a website/graphic designer.
If you feel like helping me with a little reward please donate from “Buy me a glass of wine page“. It is much appreciated!!!