I sent out this week’s jazz newsletter but I’ve got few inputs about big jazz events which I didn’t include and thought I should share these with you.
This will be on next week’s newsletter but I would like to share this exciting news. Alex Platt, Alex Robilotta, Rob Kohler, and Luca Rodoni will be playing at The Nordic Brew Works in Bozeman on Wednesday, May 11th from 8PM! So mark your calendar!
Please check to see what’s happening this week here as well.
* To musician friends, if you would like to add your message, on going projects like new albums, etc. on BigSkyJazz.net please contact me!
* Details of these concerts can be changed due to artists/venues’ circumstances.

Jazzoula, Missoula’s community jazz festival, is a musical rite of spring. Big bands, small combos, bebop, samba, scat, swing and more will showcase outstanding local talent. This year, the 2022 festival will take place Thursday, April 28 through Sunday, May 1. Three evenings plus a daytime Sunday show. at Zootown Arts Community Center (ZACC) 216 W. Main St., Missoula. 406-549-7555.
Tickets: $15 seniors & students. $18 general admission. Available at etix.com .
* Beer, wine, and non-alcohol beverages will be available.
Jazzoula Facebook page
Hall of Fame night. Music starts 6:30pm. Doors open 5:30pm
Diverse, talented, fun lineup playin 4/28/22: Margi Cates vocals with DR Halsell guitar; Josh Farmer solo piano & vocals; Night Blooming Jasmine; Basement Boyz [ Ed Stalling drums, Pete Hand bass, Jeff Stickney trumpet, David Horgan guitar, Jim Driscoll piano] plus Hall of Fame Tribute Award to the late Don Maus, our Jazzoula bass brother. And honoring longtime Jazzoula sound & tech guru Mike Jones! ; and Kyle Curtis Trio will close out opening night.
Music at 6:30pm. Doors at 5:30pm
Matt Austin Quartet [ Austin on sax, Ryan Belski guitar, Pete Hand bass, Ed Stalling drum set. ]; Absent Wilson Conspiracy with Steven Gores; The SG Modern Jazz Project [ Stephane Gariepy keyboards & band leader, Meghan Morris vocals, Reg Bernard vocals, Mike Johns bass, Checkers Barker Jr. drums, Ryan Belski guitar, Jeff Stickney trumpet, Dylan Dwyer sax.]; Chuck Florence & Jim Driscoll Band; Canta Brasil.
SATURDAY, April 30: ( International Jazz Day! )
Music at 6:30pm. Doors at 5:30pm
Lhanna Writesel Quartet [ Writesel saxophone, Connor Racicot piano, Ed Stalling drums, Dillon Johns bass ]; Melody Anderson Trio [ Singer Anderson with Kyle Curtis, Pete Hand, Ed Stalling ] plus one of Melody’s stellar vocal students; crosstalk; Virginia Vinal Women’s Swing Orchestra with Kimberlee Carlson vocals; Missoula Jazz Collective [ Johan Eriksson sax, Rob Tapper trombone, Jeff Troxel guitar, Tommy Sciple bass]; Salsa Loca. [ David Horgan, Beth Lo and friends]
SUNDAY, May 1:
Music at 11am. Doors open at 10 am
UM Jazz Combo; Naomi Moon Siegel Trio featuring Tommy Sciple bass and Ed Stalling drums set; Milan House Quartet with Jeff Troxel guitar; Vocalist Patti Nolan with Dylan Bautista piano, Pete hand, Ed Stalling drums.

This big band concert is not in Montana but since our Craig Hall and Michael Steele will be playing, plus the concert is available online, I thought I would like to share.
The Arts at Sheridan College presents a concert by the Whitney Center Jazz Orchestra featuring Sheridan’s own Alycia Duprey on Saturday, April 30 at 7 p.m. in Kinnison Hall at Whitney Center for the Arts.The Whitney Center Jazz Orchestra is comprised of the finest jazz musician-educators in the region. They will perform a wide range of music from samba to ballads to funk, including the music of Isham Jones, Count Basie, Sammy Nestico, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Frank Foster, Hoagy Carmichael, Mike Tomaro and several Wyoming premieres of my own jazz compositions and arrangements.
Alycia Duprey, featured vocal soloist, is well known throughout the region as an outstanding vocalist and violinist in jazz, classical and crossover music.
Tickets are $20 for seniors, $15 for students, $10 for students (K-12, non-Sheridan College) and $10 for live streaming. Sheridan College students are free to attend.
Tickets are available at www.sheridan.edu/events/whitney-center-jazz-orchestra/ .
BigSkyJazz.net and news letter Jazz this week are non-profit. I am doing this to be a little help for jazz community around Bozeman while I work as a website/graphic designer.
If you feel like helping me with a little reward please donate from “Buy me a glass of wine page“. It is much appreciated!!!